Sunday, June 10, 2012

California Pup

We are all loving life in California...especially Elvis.  The weather is perfect for him... not too hot or humid and rarely any rain.  He's adjusted to the laid back lifestyle quite well. 

Our new apartment has a nice patio with some potted plants and its Elvis' favorite place to hang out.  I found a wicker dog bed at Pier 1 with a burnt orange cushion that matches our wicker patio chairs so perfectly I couldn't pass it up.  As soon as Elvis comes back from his morning walk he heads straight out to the patio for a nap in the sunshine.  Must be nice!

With all this nice warm weather though, we have noticed Elvis is shedding so much more than he did back on the East coast.  Our floors have been getting constantly dirty with his white hairs that we finally decided we had to do something about it.  So here's a tip for other puppy parents...we found this thing called the's a link to their website.  It's honestly amazing!  It really works and has helped so much with the shedding. 

1 comment:

  1. Elvis relaxes like a King! I love the furminator too. Torito, my brindle frenchie sheds too and his little hair is everywhere :)

    Nancy (West LA Frenchie meet up)
